

Showing 1–12 of 53 results

Black Church In Canada Ebook

USD $36.27

The Black Church in Canada: Apostolic Trailblazers of the Past, Present & Future provides a picturesque narrative of 100 years of modern Pentecostalism across the diaspora.  A must have keepsake for all generations.

Includes 1 download within 30 days of purchase.

Gospel Medley CD with Bishop Kenneth Wright

USD $8.88

Gospel Songwriter Bishop Kenneth Wright has written songs 50 years ago that have never been released on CD til now. Purchase the new CD featuring “Jesus Will Fix it for Me” and more. View Other Trailers for Black Church Tours

Hero’s of Faith (Children’s Book)

USD $14.81

Hero’s of Faith Book (Paperback) by Dr. Elaine A. Brown Spencer Dr. Spencer along with five black teenagers from ages 11-16 have creatively sketched the stories of black leaders in Canada who started Black Churches in Canada in the book, “Hero’s of Faith”.  This book is picturesque with written text and unique drawings that portrays […]